Welcome to the website of law firm Jerzykowski i Wspólnicy sp. k.


Jerzykowski and Partners Law Firm provides legal services in the area of commercial law, focusing mainly on issues at the meeting point of public and private law. Our activity consists in providing legal assistance in those legal disciplines in which administrative law is applied together with civil law. Especially after the accession of Poland to the European Union, there are many business transactions that require communication with public administration authorities. On the other hand, public administration is increasingly eager to look for support for its own tasks in the private sector. The aim of our Law Firm is to match the two worlds. We help administration to understand business entities and business entities – to comprehend administration. We support our partners in achieving their goals and expected results.

Conditions in which our Clients operate require unconventional and diverse types of actions depending on their changing needs. For this reason, legal services provided to them must be diverse and non-standard as well. We do our best to find a bespoke solution adequately suited to your needs. As a rule, we believe that only the best is good enough. The success of our Law Firm is entwined with the success of our Clients, to which we have contributed.


Legal services in public procurement procedures

The main area of expertise of Kancelaria Jerzykowski i Wspólnicy sp. k. is providing legal services related to the preparation and processing of public procurement procedures.

We support our Clients taking part in public procurement procedures by providing them with analyses of terms of reference and other tender documents, assessing such documentation in terms of legal risks, and verifying bids and requests for admission to the procedure in terms of their compliance with legal regulations and expectations expressed in the terms of reference. We ensure continuous legal assistance in public procurement procedures and our lawyers act as external experts, members of tender boards or expert witnesses.

An integral part of our work is legal representation of contracting authorities, appellants and contractors joining appeal proceedings in any proceedings before the National Appeals Chamber and regional courts competent to hear appeals against the rulings of the National Appeals Chamber.

Public-private partnership (PPP)

We offer services related to the management of entering into public-private partnerships, starting from their preparation, through the selection of a private partner, to the performance and monitoring of the PPP agreement.

We prepare initial assumptions for such a partnership with a few different options regarding contract-based cooperation and the form of cooperation (under a contract or through a special purpose vehicle), contribution of a public partner, including its capital involvement in specific forms of cooperation, the time-line for cooperation with a private partner, legal risks and barriers in existing legislation and ways of overcoming them. We prepare and carry out the procedure of selecting a private partner.

Our Law Firm drafts any documents required under applicable regulations for the purpose of the procedure of selecting a private partner, in particular a PPP agreement and accompanying agreements.

Investment projects financed from EU funds and financial correction recoveries

Our lawyers have vast experience regarding contracts financed by the EU structural funds and the Cohesion Fund. In the past, we provided assistance to beneficiaries of pre-accession projects (ISPA, Phare), and since the accession we have been involved in more than a dozen investment projects with a total value of PLN 1.5 billion. The Law Firm provides legal services to contractors delivering Technical Assistance or acting as Contract Engineers for the beneficiaries of European funds, but also offers legal services directly to project implementation units.

We successfully assist our Clients in any audits of expenditures covered by any funding that are carried out both by national institutions (Managing Authority, Audit Authority, President of the Public Procurement Office, Supreme Audit Office), as well as EU institutions involved in the implementation of projects (European Court of Auditors). We represent beneficiaries in court proceedings and administration court proceedings related to seeking the payment of funds, defence against returns and defence against the payment of financial corrections.

Preparation and implementation of an investment process

The Law Firm offers a comprehensive preparation of the formal and legal elements of an investment process, including the preparation of applicable agreements related to obtaining a legal title to use the property for construction purposes, and the representation of Clients before administration authorities in any procedure related to obtaining a building permit, land development conditions or a decision on environmental conditions.

Our experience is based on providing legal services in the area of construction investments with the total value of almost PLN 3.0 billion. Our portfolio includes, among others, the biggest bridge crossings, hydraulic engineering work and road investments (G and GP classes, i.e. main roads and trunk roads), professional energy installations (energy boilers, de-sulphurisation systems, co-incineration systems) and heat installations (distribution networks, boilers), water and sewage system facilities (wastewater treatment facilities, sewage systems, including vacuum technology) or complex buildings (including the underground museum recognised with prestigious awards and an opera house in a historical building).

We translate our experience into creating optimal contract solutions for the purpose of contracts concluded in investment processes, especially in general contractor agreements, subcontracting agreements or agreements entered into with designing entities.

Negotiations and contract drafting

We provide assistance in carrying out negotiations on contracts concluded in business transactions. Given our Law Firm’s profile, such contracts include mainly contracts related to investments processes, both on the side of investors (a construction works contract, including a contract on additional works, a designing works contract, an investor’s supervision contract and a project management contract) and on the side of contractors (agreements under a general contractor agreement model, subcontracting agreements, consortium agreements).

In addition, lawyers of our Law Firm work on the basis of FIDIC conditions of contract for construction (Yellow and Red books). We follow FIDIC conditions to prepare construction works contracts for public investors, as well as contracts with Contract Engineers that are to manage FIDIC-based contracts on behalf of investors.

Environment protection law

Our Law Firm provides legal services in the area of broadly understood environmental law, including in procedures related to the issuing of decisions on environmental conditions, procedures related to obtaining waste generation permits and other authorisations provided for in the Environment Protection Law and in the Act on Waste.

Representation before legal protection authorities

Our services also include representation for the purpose of proceedings before (central and local) public administration authorities, and in particular proceedings related to the preparation of an investment process. If necessary, we also represent our Clients in administrative court proceedings.

The Law Firm provides court representation in legal disputes in court proceedings, arbitration proceedings and mediation.


The Partners

Jarosław Jerzykowski
Jarosław Jerzykowski
Managing partner and general partner. Attorney at law.
Graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań..
Marcin Boczek
Marcin Boczek
General partner. Attorney at law
Graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Szczecin. Legal counsel.
Stanisław Jerzykowski
Stanisław Jerzykowski
Of counsel. Attorney at law
Graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań..

Our team

Anna Moczulska
Anna Moczulska
Attorney at law. Master of Laws (LLM)
Graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Szczecin, the University.
Katarzyna Jurkowska
Katarzyna Jurkowska
Attorney at law
Graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Szczecin. Legal counsel.
Marlena Olszewska
Marlena Olszewska
Legal consultant.
Graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Szczecin. She graduated.
Maja Dec
Maja Dec
Attorney at law.
Graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Szczecin. She specialises.
Małgorzata Zasuwik
Małgorzata Zasuwik
Attorney at law.
Graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Szczecin. She specialises.


Stowarzyszenie Prawa Zamówień Publicznych – SPZP (The Public Procurement Law Association)

Mec. Jarosław Jerzykowski, Esq., is an ordinary member, and Law firm Jerzykowski i Wspólnicy sp. k. is a supporting member of the Public Procurement Law Association (Stowarzyszenie Prawa Zamówień Publicznych – SPZP). SPZP is an association of legal counsels and attorneys (adwokaci) who specialise in matters of public procurement, public-private partnerships and construction works permits. The goal of SPZP is the exchange and dissemination of knowledge in the field of broadly understood public procurement law, including benefiting from the best international models and promoting the principles of professional ethics among those dealing with this discipline of law. The Association may also be a platform of active participation of the lawyers’ community in the public debate regarding the public procurement system and the practice of applying the appropriate provisions. SPZP ambitiously aims to expand by the participation of renowned lawyers whose extensive knowledge and experience would help to create solutions that are beneficial to every participant of the public procurement market in Poland.


Polski Związek Pracodawców Budownictwa – PZPB (The Polish Association of Construction Industry Employers)

Law firm Jerzykowski i Wspólnicy Radcowie Prawni sp. k. is a supporting member of the Polish Association of Construction Industry Employers. PZPB is a nationwide organisation that brings together companies from the infrastructure and construction sectors, who jointly represent more than 70% of the potential of the general investment contracting market in Poland. It brings together enterprises that deal with comprehensive implementation of investments, real estate development companies, specialised design companies, manufacturers of construction materials, technology providers and other entities related to the infrastructure and construction sectors. PZPB membership makes it possible to directly participate in the shaping and creation of systemic solutions concerning the infrastructure and construction sectors, submitting postulates and applications that are significant for the creation of the economic reality of Poland.



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Contact details

Jerzykowski i Wspólnicy sp. k.
ul. Sławomira 4/13, 71-606 Szczecin

phone: + 48 91 464 68 50
phone: + 48 91 464 68 51
phone: + 48 91 464 68 52
fax: + 48 91 425 27 38

Email addresses

Email address of the Law Firm –  kancelaria@jerzykowski.pl
Job and internship postings –     rekrutacja@jerzykowski.pl

Legal information

The Law Firm’s legal form is spółka komandytowa (limited partnership).
The Law Firm is entered into the register of entrepreneurs of the National Court Register
in the District Court for Szczecin-Centrum in Szczecin,
13th Commercial Division of the National Court Register
KRS 0000963139.

Kancelaria Jerzykowski i Wspólnicy sp. k.

Kancelaria Jerzykowski i Wspólnicy sp. k. provides legal services in the area of commercial law, focusing mainly on issues at the meeting point of public and private law. Our activity consists in providing legal assistance in those legal disciplines in which administrative law is applied together with civil law.

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